Working Mum Life: Striking a Balance

Mums these days feel the pressure to have an outstanding career while being a great homemaker at the same time. In order to get a clearer picture of this common predicament, we sat down with Julie, a working mum of 2 kids , and asked her about how she juggles raising children while earning that bread. And we found out the secret! It’s all about finding the right job that allows you to do and be both. Unfortunately, not everyone has that luxury and some may even be completely oblivious to the jobs that offer such convenience.

We list down the ideal job criteria for working mothers, so you can check if yours allows you to be the best mum and careerwoman you can be. If not, then perhaps it’s time to make the shift.

Work hours vs. school hours

Not being there for your children before and after school can lead to a lot of guilty feelings. Mum guilt  is also prevalent in bake sales, PTA meetings and school events. According to a survey by babycare product company NUK, 87 per cent of mothers feel guilty at some point, with 21 per cent feeling this way most or all the time. A lot of jobs come with odd hours or longer than the regular 9-5. This is difficult for mums because childcare requires you to be present at certain hours of the day. Your work has to match school hours and holidays to avoid being the absentee mum in your child’s life. Absent mothers can cause hyperactivity and anxiety in offspring later in life, according to a BioMed study. This is especially crucial in their grade school years where they’re forming a lot of their values and can barely fend for themselves.

Understanding Co-Workers and Employers

Juggling two things is already stressful as it is and there’s no need to add anymore drama to that. Choose a job     that has a family-oriented culture like a pediatric assistant, counselor or education support. Be where your struggles as a parent are understood, not brushed off. Your boss will play a big factor as well in this because you need someone who understands why a tummy ache is an emergency and why the science fair is a major event in your life.

Rewarding Work

Just because you’re a mum does not mean you have to work a boring job! It’s important for mothers to find purpose outside of the home and not lose their own identity. This motivates and makes you more productive as a mum and an employee. So whether it’s arts and crafts or education, follow your passion and find a career that suits your lifestyle without sacrificing your pre-motherhood ideals!

Satisfying Income

Your job doesn’t have to pay millions, but it’s important that it’s enough to augment your household expenses and needs. After all, what’s the point of spending 8 hours away from your kids if it can’t even make a dent in your budget?

One career that satisfies all the aforementioned criteria is a teacher’s aid position. You get to work within school hours, enjoy holidays, do fulfilling work, be with fellow parents and childcare providers, and, of course, earn for your family. Once you’re ready to take a leap and shift careers, come to us and we’ll help you get the qualification you need. Visit the qualification page for more information.

P.S. We wish you the best of luck and we salute you, working mum!